Performance Report BPS Kota Depok - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Depok Municipality

Indikator makro terkini Kota Depok : TPT (7,82%); Persentase Penduduk Miskin (2,53%); IPM (81,86); LPE (5,24%)

Telah rilis Publikasi Proyeksi Penduduk Kota Depok 2020-2035 : Hasil Sensus Penduduk 2020 Proyeksi penduduk memberikan gambaran mengenai ukuran dan struktur umur penduduk di masa depan yang didasarkan pada asumsi tertentu baik ketika mengikuti tren dari masa lalu maupun ketika ada kebijakan yang diterapkan. Publikasi ini dapat diunduh

Performance Report BPS Kota Depok

Catalog Number : 1202059.3276
Publication Number : 32760.2301
Release Date : February 3, 2023
File Size : 2.57 MB


Law No. 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics, authorizes the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) to carry out statistical activities by means of censuses, surveys, compilation of administrative products, and other means, as well as to announce the results periodically or at any time and openly to the public, both government agencies, private institutions, non-governmental organizations or individuals. By carrying out the Vision, namely "Provider of Quality Statistical Data for Advanced Indonesia", and implementing five missions which include: 1) Strengthening the constitutional and operational basis of statistical institutions for effective and efficient statistical organizers; 2) Creating competent and professional statisticians, supported by the utilization of the latest information technology for the advancement of Indonesian statistics; 3) Improving the application of classification standards, concepts and definitions, measurements and a universal statistical code of ethics in every statistical implementation; 4) Improving the quality of statistical information services for all parties; 5) Improving coordination, integration and synchronization of statistical activities organized by the government and the private sector, within the framework of an effective and efficient National Statistics System (SSN). BPS is increasingly committed to implementing statistical development in line with technological developments and increased public needs. Statistical development aims to: a. Increase the availability of quality statistical information in all sections in all aspects of people's lives, especially those related to the government's constitutional duties in improving people's welfare through development programs; b. Improve excellent service in order to realize a reliable, effective and efficient National Statistics System (SSN) at the Provincial / District / City level; c. Strengthen information and communication technology and work facilities at the Provincial / District / City level;Increasing the capacity of Human Resources (HR) and institutional arrangement of BPS in Provinces/Cities. The targets of statistical development to be achieved are: a. Providing complete, accurate and timely statistical data and information at the provincial/regency/city level; b. The realization of an effective and efficient organizational structure of BPS in the framework of realizing good governance as well as improving supervision and accountability of BPS apparatus performance; c. Increasing the capacity of Human Resources (HR) at the provincial/regency/city level in knowledge, mastery of science, statistical methods and the latest information technology in order to improve methods of collecting, processing and disseminating statistics; d. Increasing coordination of statistical activities with other agencies in order to produce quality statistical data and information at the provincial/regency/city level. Improve coordination of statistical activities with other agencies in order to produce quality statistical data and information at the Provincial/Regency/Municipal level; e. Realize the National Statistical System (SSN) at the Provincial/Regency/Municipal level in supporting the smooth running of BPS tasks and functions; f. Improving the quality and quantity of physical facilities and infrastructure in Provinces/Regencies/Municipalities. To achieve the goals and objectives of statistical development that have been set, in 2022 BPS Depok City sets two main programs, consisting of: 1. Statistical Information Provision and Service Program (PPIS); and 2. Management Support Program and Implementation of Other Technical Tasks of BPS (DMPTTL). The implementation of these programs is financed by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the State Budget as outlined in the List of Budget Implementation (DIPA) of BPS Kota Depok Year 2022, with a value of Rp 34,155,358,000, - and the actual use of Rp 33,462,171,047, - or reaching 97.97 percent. Evaluation of the implementation of the duties and functions of BPS Depok City in 2022 related to its vision, concluded that in general the realization of the level of performance achievement showed a fairly good level of success.
The implementation of the strategic objectives of BPS Depok City during the period 2022 can be described as follows: The first goal is to provide statistical data to be used as a basis for development with the target of increasing the utilization of quality statistical data with an average performance achievement of 107.80 percent, then the second goal is increasing collaboration, integration, synchronization and standardization in the implementation of SSN with the target of strengthening the commitment of K / L / D / I to SSN with an average achievement of 110.00 percent. Furthermore, the third objective is Increasing Excellent Service in the implementation of SSN with the target of Strengthening K / L / D / I Sectoral Statistics with an achievement of 100.00 percent and the fourth objective is Strengthening institutional governance and bureaucratic reform with the target of Superior and competitive Statistical Human Resources within the framework of institutional governance with an average performance achievement of 99.80 percent. While the four goals and objectives are translated into 7 (seven) strategic target indicators so that their achievement is more measurable and detailed. It was noted that the performance achievements of 7 (seven) target indicators, 4 (four) indicators have exceeded the predetermined targets, 2 (two) indicators have reached the target, while 1 (one) indicator has not met the expected target. In accordance with the mandate of Law No. 25/2004 on the National Development Planning System (SPPN), the 2021 Government Work Plan (RKP) is the elaboration of the second year of implementation of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 2/2015 on the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024 which contains development goals, policy directions and strategies. The preparation of the RKP (Development Work Plan) is an effort to maintain the continuity of planned and systematic development carried out primarily by the government, by utilizing various available resources optimally, efficiently, effectively, transparently, and accountably to realize the vision and mission of the President of the Republic of Indonesia. By taking into account the national development mission and the achievements of BPS in the fourth period of National Medium-Term Development 2020-2024, through in-depth and comprehensive review and analysis BPS set the vision for 2020-2024 as follows: "Provider of Quality Statistical Data for Advanced Indonesia" In the preparation of the 2022 RKP, sharpening was carried out on the National Priority Program (PN). To support the activities of the National Priority Program (PN), BPS Depok City during 2022 conducted a series of activities, among others: 1. 2020 Long Form Population Census (SP); 2. Cost of Living Survey (SBH); 3. Initial Data Collection of Population Social Registration (Regsosek); 4. E-Commerce Statistics Survey; 5. Food Crop/Ubinan Statistics Survey; 6. Integrated Food Crop Agriculture Statistics Survey KSA Method; Throughout 2022 all programs, activities and budgets have been carried out optimally, effectively and efficiently so that the optimal results achieved are in line with the performance achievements of the goals and objectives of BPS Depok City that have been set. Strategic target indicators that are still low in achievement in 2022, will be the focus of evaluation for improvement in the following year.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota DepokJl. Boulevard Grand Depok City Kota Depok

Jawa Barat - IndonesiaE-mail: bps3276@bps.go.idTelp: +62 21 7710370Fax: +62 21 77825913





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