LABOR FORCE FIGURE IN DEPOK MUNICIPALITY AUGUST 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Depok Municipality

Indikator makro terkini Kota Depok : TPT (7,82%); Persentase Penduduk Miskin (2,53%); IPM (81,86); LPE (5,24%)

Telah rilis Publikasi Proyeksi Penduduk Kota Depok 2020-2035 : Hasil Sensus Penduduk 2020 Proyeksi penduduk memberikan gambaran mengenai ukuran dan struktur umur penduduk di masa depan yang didasarkan pada asumsi tertentu baik ketika mengikuti tren dari masa lalu maupun ketika ada kebijakan yang diterapkan. Publikasi ini dapat diunduh


Catalog Number : 2303003.3276
Publication Number : 32760.1901
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-0925-76-9
Release Date : January 15, 2019
File Size : 1.3 MB


This publication contains tables that describe the condition of the workforce in Depok Municipality in 2018. The data presented is obtained from the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) carried out throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in August 2018. Number of sample targets National Sakernas in August 2018 is 200,000 thousand households, for West Java Province 16,000 households and 680 households in Depok Municipality. Number of samples it can produce estimates up to the Regency / City level. This publication using weighing results of population projections in 2010 - 2035. This publication contains employment characteristics that cover the number of workforce and not the workforce, the number of people working and not working / unemployed, the number of workers according to the business field and others which are presented according to gender. Presentation of tables in this publication only covers residents aged 15 years and over. Besides that it is also served table of employment data series from 2015 - 2018 and executive summary of circumstances workforce in Depok Municipality.
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