Export March 2021 Reach USD 2.98 billion - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Depok Municipality

Indikator makro terkini Kota Depok : TPT (7,82%); Persentase Penduduk Miskin (2,53%); IPM (81,86); LPE (5,24%)

Telah rilis Publikasi Proyeksi Penduduk Kota Depok 2020-2035 : Hasil Sensus Penduduk 2020 Proyeksi penduduk memberikan gambaran mengenai ukuran dan struktur umur penduduk di masa depan yang didasarkan pada asumsi tertentu baik ketika mengikuti tren dari masa lalu maupun ketika ada kebijakan yang diterapkan. Publikasi ini dapat diunduh https://depokkota.bps.go.id/publication.html

Export March 2021 Reach USD 2.98 billion

Release Date : June 2, 2021
File Size : 1.25 MB


The export value of Jawa Barat in March 2021 reached USD 2.98 billion, an increase of 14.22 percent compared to February 2021. Likewise, when compared to March 2020, it increased by 24.35 percent.
Non-oil and gas exports in March 2021 reached USD 2.96 billion, up 13.95 percent compared to February 2021. Meanwhile, oil and gas exports rose by 75.18 percent.
Cumulatively, the export value of Jawa Barat from January to March 2021 reached USD 8.14 billion, an increase of 13.39 percent compared to the same period in 2020, likewise non-oil and gas exports reached USD 8.10 billion or an increase of 13.58 percent.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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