Indikator makro terkini Kota Depok : TPT (7,82%); Persentase Penduduk Miskin (2,53%); IPM (81,86); LPE (5,24%)
Telah rilis Publikasi Proyeksi Penduduk Kota Depok 2020-2035 : Hasil Sensus Penduduk 2020 Proyeksi penduduk memberikan gambaran mengenai ukuran dan struktur umur penduduk di masa depan yang didasarkan pada asumsi tertentu baik ketika mengikuti tren dari masa lalu maupun ketika ada kebijakan yang diterapkan. Publikasi ini dapat diunduh
Mapping Training in Depok Municipality: Directions for SP2020
March 25, 2019 | BPS Activities
"Tepat Posisi, Tepat Lokasi, Tepat Teknologi" Mapping Training in Depok Municipality has opened by Head of BPS, West Java Province, Dodi
Herlando, M.Econ, together with Chief of Statistician of Depok Municipality, Ahmad Muhammad Saleh, SE., and the Instructors of Mapping Training
and Update of Statistics Work Areas (Wilkerstat) Population
Census ( SP) 2020, (25/3).
The opening ceremony with 664 participants and 138 supervisor of mapping prepared to learn how to modify the census design and BPS
surveys that had been used so far. The parent framework which originally
contained a census block (BS) as the smallest wilkerstat will be
equipped with a local environmental unit (SLS) and its cargo.